Imantia quality guarantee
The pillars of Imantia

It is a powerful tool to develop multiple intelligences in people. It is transversal to the acquisition and development of competences.
Reinforce in organizations:
- The leadership
- Innovation and creativity
- Organizational emotional intelligence

Classroom Training
The theory is combined with practice
We facilitate the acquisition of knowledge in a practical, participatory and collaborative way using more than 20 different face-to-face methods

Blended learning
Everything at your fingertips
We carry out the balanced use of the different face-to-face and virtual methodologies.

Experiential Learning
Develop your skills
Aimed at the development of some of the multiple intelligences (corporal-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic). Suitable for teamwork skills, conflict resolution, change management …

Coaching and supervision of internal coaches
Develop your skills
We carry out individualized programs for the development of competences.
We supervise the practice of the internal coaches of the organizations.

Training at work
On-site training
Integrated actions of on-site training aimed at the individual acquisition of competencies with the maximum participation and complicity of all the people involved.